Power Rangers Universe Review

Power Rangers Universe is a new original series created by Boom! Studios that aims to tell a story of the previous rangers coming together to fight one final battle. The series is also said to serve as a way to bring closure to the 2017 movie, which received a less-than-stellar reception from fans and critics alike. In this first issue we get introduced to a team of fan favorite former Rangers, including Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger), Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger), Zack Taylor (Black Ranger) and Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger). The Rangers come together in the aftermath of a battle that left the world devastated by Rita Repulsa, who had been resurrected after her death at the end of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The Rangers are forced to use their powers in an attempt to stop Rita’s master plan while also dealing with their own personal problems

Power Rangers Universe is a new original series created by Boom! Studios that aims to tell a story of the previous rangers coming together to fight one final battle.

Power Rangers Universe is a new original series created by Boom! Studios that aims to tell a story of the previous rangers coming together to fight one final battle. The series is also said to serve as a way to bring closure to the 2017 movie, which received a less-than-stellar reception from fans and critics alike.

In this first issue we get introduced to a team of fan favorite former Rangers, including Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger), Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger), Billy Cranston (Blue Ranger) and Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger). After the initial explanation of what's happened so far in Power Rangers history, we see them all reunite in Angel Grove after receiving news that Rita Repulsa may still be alive even though she was supposedly killed at the end of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season two.

They decide they need help from their old mentor Zordon so they travel back in time using an old relic called "The Zeo Crystal." The crystal transports them back into their younger selves where we get some great moments between all four characters as well as some solid exposition about how each one got there in this current timeline (i.e., why did Billy become Blue instead of Red like he did originally?).

The series is also said to serve as a way to bring closure to the 2017 movie, which received a less-than-stellar reception from fans and critics alike.

The series is also said to serve as a way to bring closure to the 2017 movie, which received a less-than-stellar reception from fans and critics alike.

The film's plot revolved around the classic Power Rangers team returning to Angel Grove in order to stop Rita Repulsa's evil scheme of taking over Earth with her army of monsters. It was met with mixed reviews, though; some critics felt the movie did not live up to its potential while others praised its humor and action sequences. Since it was one of the most expensive films ever made by Lionsgate at that time, it seems like they're hoping that this series will help turn things around for them (and maybe make them more money).

Whether or not that means you should watch it depends on how much you love Power Rangers—and whether or not you'd rather spend your time writing bad reviews about it instead!

In this first issue we get introduced to a team of fan favorite former Rangers, including Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger), Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger), Zack Taylor (Black Ranger) and Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger).

This first issue does a great job at introducing the main characters, as well as their relationships with each other and other characters. It also sets up some of the overarching storylines for the series. There's no way I can talk about all of these things in this review, so instead I'll give you a general overview of what to expect from these characters:

  • Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger) - He's the leader of this team and he has an interesting relationship with Rita that we don't fully understand yet (we'll learn more about it later). He's also very protective over his friends Trini, Zack, Kimberly and Billy Cranston (Blue Ranger).

  • Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger) - She's kind and caring but knows when to be tough too! She has some personal issues she needs to work through.

  • Zack Taylor (Black Ranger) - He loves being part of a team but he also wants everyone else around him happy too!

  • Kimberly Hart(Pink Ranger)- She's always looking for adventure! You never know what you're going to get when she shows up somewhere new.

The story of the new Rangers is a tale about personal problems, the Rangers are forced to use their powers in an attempt to stop Rita’s master plan. And it's not just any old story that we've seen before, but one which puts the characters in situations they haven't been in before!

The Rangers are forced to use their powers in an attempt to stop Rita’s master plan, while also dealing with their own personal problems.

In the first episode, the Rangers are forced to use their powers in an attempt to stop Rita’s master plan, while also dealing with their own personal problems. For example, Zack has problems at home because his parents think he’s hanging out with a bad crowd. Trini struggles with her family's belief that she should be more feminine and ladylike instead of being herself. Billy is hiding a secret from his friends about his true identity as the Yellow Ranger and how he got one of his superpowers (which I won't spoil here). Kimberly deals with her rival in gymnastics class trying to bring her down and other students who dislike her because she's so good at gymnastics and tries different methods to get them off her back until she finds out why they hate her so much: they discovered what happened during a competition involving both Kim and one of these students' teammates where Kim accidentally caused another student's injury by knocking over part of an equipment shelf onto him during practice for a routine which caused it fall on top of him causing serious injuries when he tried getting up again after recovering from initial shock caused by falling over due to weight shift when they were practicing together earlier before moving onto actual routines themselves too...

This is where the story gets very interesting because it puts the characters in situations that we haven’t seen them before.

This is where the story gets very interesting because it puts the characters in situations that we haven’t seen them before. The stories feel more character driven than action-driven, which helps to keep you invested in each of their stories and progress.

While these characters are all established as superheroes with powers, they have their own personal problems that they need to overcome or learn from. For example, Trini (the Yellow Ranger) struggles with her Asian-American identity while being a superhero and what it means to be a hero in general. It really helps you understand who these people are as people, not just superheroes fighting villains every week on television like in previous incarnations of Power Rangers.

The show goes beyond just telling us about how these five teenagers became friends; instead, it shows us how those friendships were formed through flashbacks and even dream sequences where we see them doing things together outside of school or work that gives us insight into how much fun this group could be if they stuck together long term rather than splitting up after graduating high school like many races do today due to life commitments such as college/work/etc., etc..

The writing is good, with some nice character moments between all of the Rangers, but it's not as compelling as other stories that have been told in this universe such as Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers or Boom! Studio's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Kyle Higgins et al. The art is absolutely gorgeous, with vibrant colors and great details.

It's got some flaws but overall it is a fun read for those who want something different from their power rangers series.

Firstly, the writing is good and the story is interesting. The characters are compelling and they have a lot of personality. The art is also good but not great, it's not as good as some other graphic novels out there but not bad either. So overall I think it's worth buying if you're interested in something different from your usual power rangers stories.


Power Rangers Universe is a great book for fans of the franchise. It brings back some of our favorite characters and gives them new adventures that we haven’t seen before. It does have some flaws, but overall I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for something different from their Power Rangers series!


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