What is Yu-Gi-Oh
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese manga series about gaming written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi. It was serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine between September 30, 1996 and March 8, 2004. The plot follows the story of a boy named Yugi Mutou, who solves the ancient Millennium Puzzle. Yugi awakens a gambling alter-ego within his body that solves his conflicts using various games.
Section: Duel Monsters uses huge holographic fields called Duel Boxes to have duels that look like the ones in the manga and anime. The current format of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is called "Speed Duels". Speed Duels aim to make duels faster and easier to learn while still retaining all of the depth of regular Yu-Gi-Oh!
Section: Types of cards
There are many different types of cards in Duel Monsters, with roughly 30 unique card types. Every card has a serial number printed on the bottom left hand corner of the card. This number is useful for collectors as it determines which cards are rarer than others, based on the total number produced for a particular card type.
Yu-Gi-Oh! became one of the first successful shonen jump titles to make its way over to America in 2001 when 4Kids Entertainment picked up the license for an animated series based on the manga. The show was dubbed by 4Kids with an all new cast and crew who were unfamiliar with Japan or anything related to it (unlike previous efforts like Pokemon). This led to some controversial changes being made such as changing names from "Mana" (魔神) (The Sacred Beast) -> "Manga" (魔王), calling characters by their English equivalents rather than Japanese ones and inserting racial stereotypes into character dynamics; but nonetheless managed to capture audiences worldwide nonetheless due to its unique mix of humor, action and drama while still retaining many elements from its source material that fans had come expect from Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Duel Monsters is a card game based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime series. Duel Monsters uses huge holographic fields called Duel Boxes to have duels that look like the ones in the manga and anime. The current format of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is called "Speed Duels". Speed Duels aim to make duels faster and easier to learn while still retaining all of the depth of regular Yu-Gi-Oh!
Thanks for reading this brief overview of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series and its Duel Monsters game. We hope you enjoyed learning about some of the cards in this exciting franchise!
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